
Badge Quest Campaign Book

Created by David Hamrick

Welcome to the Badge Quest Campaign Book pre-order store. Here, you can purchase the Badge Quest Campaign Book and all of its accessories. If you already purchased the book via Kickstarter, you can use this store to add shipping and taxes to your order to prepare it for delivery.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

September Update
6 days ago – Tue, Sep 03, 2024 at 07:18:22 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Timeline Update
about 2 months ago – Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 10:55:29 AM

Hey folks!

Hope you're having a great summer so far. Just posting a quick update to let you know that we're a bit behind. Health issues (oh, the joys of being in one's forties) and a couple of other matters have put us a bit behind, but we're working closely with our pals at Hit Point Press to get a new timeline. The good news is that many of the items are already manufactured and are either at fulfillment centers or on their way there.

We hope to have an updated schedule as soon as we have it locked down and 100% verified with all parties involved.

Thanks for your patience and thanks for supporting our fun little game!

 - Dave

Production update!
3 months ago – Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 02:05:09 PM

Hey all!

We are back from a busy convention schedule; we were at both Origins Game Fair in Columbus, OH, and Sooner Con in Oklahoma City, OK, over the weekend. We're recovered and back at making cool things! Quick update to let you know where things stand. 

Badge Quest Quickstart

Badge Quest Quickstart is printed and ready to be fulfilled. We had smaller quantities, so we will ship them with the other scenario books. More on that below. 

Patches and other components

Hit Point Press sent us some photos of the proofs the manufacturer sent of the patches! Here are a few of my favorites, but they all look great, and production is still on schedule for the other components. 

1527 Lulu Lane and the other scenario books

Lulu Lane is written and is waiting on proofing. Unfortunately, our proofer is no longer with us. I am contacting my network to see if we can find someone quickly. While waiting for a proofer, I am wrapping up the other scenario books. We aim to have all the softcover scenario books ready to go soon so we can do our early fulfillment for the scenario books + the quickstart book. 

If you have proofing/editing experience and want to apply, send us your resume and portfolio to [email protected]. You'll also get to see our stuff first! 

That's all for now. If anyone has run Badge Quest from the PDF (or from the original Complete Rulebook), tell us your gaming tales. We always love to hear about our games being run! We can't wait to get this out to everyone; we'll chat more soon.

-Dave and Team DMDave

Erevan's Guide to Death and Beyond - A 5e Tome Launches Today!
4 months ago – Tue, May 21, 2024 at 08:09:33 AM

Embark on a journey like no other with Archvillain Games' latest masterpiece: Erevan's Guide to Death and Beyond! For years, their dedicated team has toiled away to craft the ultimate supplement for those brave adventurers facing the inevitable TPK in 5E. Dare to delve into the mysteries of the afterlife and discover the untold magics and powers that await your party!

Unlock the secrets of the beyond with

  •  10+ Megaboss Miniatures: Experience unparalleled detail with these stunning miniatures that bring your battles to life like never before!
  • 12+ Dark Subclasses: Embrace the darkness within and harness the forbidden powers of the Dead to turn the tide of battle in your favor!
  • 75+ Unholy Monsters: Confront terrifying creatures that lurk in the shadows, ready to test your party's strength and courage!
  • 10+ Profane Lairs: Traverse treacherous domains where the very lair itself becomes your adversary, challenging you at every turn!

Many other stretch goals are planned as well!

But remember, in Erevan's Guide to Death and Beyond, death is only the beginning of your adventure! Discover what lies beyond the veil and redefine your understanding of fear itself.

Back early and receive a special bonus: A Soulriver Liquid Core D20 die, absolutely free! Don't miss out on this exclusive offer, prepare to embark on the journey of a lifetime!

Make sure to check it out here

We are off to BGG.Spring is this week, and we should have some more information on the scenario books soon! If you are in Dallas and going to BGG.Spring, stop by and say hi!

-Dave and Team DMDave

Badge Quest Books and Minis Update!
5 months ago – Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 12:28:30 PM

Hey all!

Here's an update on some of the books and minis!

Badge Quest Quickstart Rulebook: Our physical proof copies arrive today! So far so good, but we will make sure the quality is what we expect. As long as there are no glaring issues, these will be ready to go soon!

Miniatures: Hitpoint Press received a final proof of the minis and they are looking great! Here are some pictures to show off the details. Also below are some images from a backer, Indy Cross, who had the STL files printed and painted themselves! 

Scenario Books: We are working to proof 1527 Lulu Lane this week, then will have a proof copy sent from our printer. The other scenario books are soon to follow! 

Everything else is being worked on, and once we have a better idea of fulfilling the Quickstart and scenario books, we will have more details in another update. Hope you all are enjoying the PDFs, let us know if you have any questions here or at [email protected]. That's all for now!

-Dave and Team DMDave