
Badge Quest Campaign Book

Created by David Hamrick

Welcome to the Badge Quest Campaign Book pre-order store. Here, you can purchase the Badge Quest Campaign Book and all of its accessories. If you already purchased the book via Kickstarter, you can use this store to add shipping and taxes to your order to prepare it for delivery.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick Updates!
6 months ago – Wed, Apr 03, 2024 at 06:29:26 PM

Hey all!

I just reformatted the BQ QuickStart so all the books are the same size and look good on a shelf. 

Also Lulu Lane is nearly complete. I gotta say it’s one of the best things I’ve made in my career; it includes solo, GMless, and GM options for play! I would’ve finished it today but found out I have to get a root canal tomorrow. Womp womp. 

Anyways, once these are done and proofed they’ll drop for your review. 

Talk soon!

- Dave

Badge Quest Quickstart proofed and scenario books update
6 months ago – Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 01:37:23 PM

Hey all!

We hope you are enjoying the quickstart PDF we posted last week! Our proofer has finished another pass of proofing pass because we reformated the book to be a consistent size across the board. If you notice any other typos, or even have feedback for us on the quickstart, let Bob know at [email protected]

1527 Lulu Lane is mostly outlined and should be done in the next few weeks, then on to Boys are Gross and the other scenario books! 

We plan to ship out at least the quickstart and Lulu Lane first while we wait for the other books and physical goodies to be done. We'll send out an update in the next few weeks once we have a more accurate fulfillment schedule. We will also send out notifications to lock down addresses. This will only be urgent for those of you who ordered either the quickstart or the scenario books as add-ons. We can manually update anyone's address right up until we send the data to our warehouses to schedule fulfillment. Once we do this fulfillment round, we will unlock addresses so you can update your profile as usual. 

That's all for now. Let us know if you need anything here or at [email protected].

-Dave and Team DMDave

Badge Quest Quickstart PDF released!
6 months ago – Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 12:27:42 PM

Hey all!

Quick update on the first day of Spring (at least here in the US).

If you ordered the physical or digital tier of Badge Quest Quickstart, the PDF is now completed and is now distributed to your Backerkit Digital Downloads! 

We are busy working on the scenario books now, but we will have them proofed for printing once we release the PDFs. 

As always, let us know here or at [email protected] if you ever need anything! 

-Dave and Team DMDave

Badge Quest Miniature STL files!
7 months ago – Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 02:18:50 PM

Hey all!

Quick update to let you know that we've uploaded the STL files we received from our friends at Hit Point Press. You should now see these in your Backerkit profile under the Digital Downloads menu. If you do not see the files, ensure you have completed your survey and paid any pending charges. If you have any questions or need help with your Backerkit survey, contact us at [email protected]

We are off to GAMA next week, where we should be able to snag some pictures of the proofs of the minis that HPP is bringing with them. We'll post those as soon as we get back! 

-Dave and Team DMDave

Happy February! First batch of books debuting later this month. More on the way!
8 months ago – Thu, Feb 01, 2024 at 07:23:04 AM

Hey everyone!

Hope you've had a good new year so far. Just a quick update from us!

The new, IMPROVED quickstart book is nearly wrapped and about ready to drop here. You can expect it hopefully next week. While waiting on art, I had the opportunity to get in there and fix a few things that drove me nuts about the first one.

Additionally, the first batch of quick-ship scenario books is pretty close behind. Since we've added a little more room to our timeline than originally anticipated, I've had some time to meditate on them and come up with cool ideas... such as solo play! So, for those of you who can't necessarily find a group to play with right away, you'll be able to enjoy Badge Quest in solo mode.

We'll hopefully have some pics of minis soon. The first batch had a few issues (broken baseball bats! Oh no!), so the HPP team is back at the drawing board working on those. Rico's going to bring some for me to see when we meet in early March, but the production on those is going great so far.

As always, if you have any issues or need anything from us, hit Bob or Bree up here or at [email protected]. And you can always message me directly on Discord.

Talk to you soon!

 - Dave

PS That groundhog better not see its shadow tomorrow. I'm so over winter...