
Badge Quest Campaign Book

Created by David Hamrick

Welcome to the Badge Quest Campaign Book pre-order store. Here, you can purchase the Badge Quest Campaign Book and all of its accessories. If you already purchased the book via Kickstarter, you can use this store to add shipping and taxes to your order to prepare it for delivery.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Lock-in and Charges in 9 Days!
11 months ago – Mon, Nov 06, 2023 at 06:40:26 AM

Hey everyone!

A quick reminder that the lock-in date and charges start next week, on Wednesday. I'll be in Texas for a convention (BGG.Con!), but should still be able to get everything organized. Bob and Bree will be around, too.

Once everything is squared away there, we'll start shipping the pre-order stuff, namely the Quickstart rule book to US backers, with the first scenario book following close behind.

Thanks again to everyone for backing us! We hope you really enjoy everything we've got in store for you. 

If you need additional assistance, reach out to Bree at [email protected]

 - Dave

Tentative Schedule and Release Dates for Badge Quest Goodies
11 months ago – Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 07:13:12 AM

Note: This is a pinned post. For the latest updates, make sure you scroll down.

Hey folks!

We've had some questions regarding when certain items will drop. This post will be pinned at the top of the page so you can quickly reference the calendar.

Estimated Timeline

Keep in mind that all of these dates are estimations. 

  • 11/14/23 - Order lock date on Backerkit.
  • 11/15/23 - This is the day we charge credit cards for Backerkit.
  • 11/16/23 - Badge Quest Quickstart Rules released in PDF format
  • Late November 2023 - Badge Quest Quickstart Rules mailed to US recipients
  • December 2023 - 1527 Lulu Lane scenario book released (US Only)
  • January 2024 - Digital content released (main book PDFs, STL sets, etc.)—note that this is about 7 months ahead of schedule and will depend largely on when the art is finished
  • January 2023 - Boys Are Gross scenario book released (US Only)
  • February 2024 - Final edits and proofs completed on main materials
  • February 2023 - The Mystic Masquerade scenario book released (US Only)
  • March 2024 - Printing/production begins on Badge Quest physical goods not already released
  • March 2023 - Brain Juice scenario book released (US Only)
  • May 2024 - Badge Quest physical goods not already released shipped to their respective fulfillment centers
  • June 2024 - Scheduled PDF release date for all digital goods
  • July 2024 - Badge Quest physical goods not already released arrive at their respective fulfillment centers
  • August 2024 - Fulfillment begins for all physical goods not already released (book, minis, badges, etc.)

Factors That May Affect Timeline

The timeline is our best estimate based on years of experience. However, even the best-laid plans can go awry from outside forces. Here are a few of the things that could edit our schedule.

  • Something bad happens to me, DMDave, the main author, before the content is completed. I try to stay pretty healthy and have some contingencies in place, but this is probably the biggest thing that would throw a wrench into the works.
  • We need to produce extra artwork. Currently, we have our three artists working on the project. Two of these artists have worked with me for years, and the third has been with us since January. I don't foresee them leaving the project, but if any (or all) of them did, that'd change things a bit. I don't want to use stock art on this project unless we absolutely have to, and we won't use AI.
  • Another global pandemic or other major disaster occurs. This happened to us in 2020, creating tons of problems for us. Knock on wood so that this doesn't happen again.
  • Major shipping/logistics issues similar to those that occurred during the previous pandemic happen. The combination of bad tariff policy, a boat stuck in the Suez Canal, and all-around covid-related disasters have made things difficult over the last few years. We've accounted for all of these, but just to be safe, it's worth mentioning that these can cause issues.
  • We experience manufacturer issues. We've recently changed manufacturers and we feel confident that they can deliver (they're already producing one of our products for us). However, if something doesn't work out or they don't do as promised, we'll have to switch manufacturers which can cause issues.
  • We have legal snafus. Earlier this year, the open gaming license issue created tons of issues with third-party tabletop game creators, even those not involved with Fifth Edition content. We've got a pretty excellent attorney on retainer, and this is only lightly a 5e product, so this shouldn't become an issue with this project. But just in case it does, it's worth mentioning it here.

Please let us know if you have any questions. At any time, you can reach out to our customer service professionals at [email protected] to resolve any potential issues you might run into.

Thanks everyone!

Badge Quest Quickstart Rules Nearly Finished!
11 months ago – Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 07:00:18 AM

Hey all!

I'm happy to say that the quickstart rules are nearly finished. All that's left to do is pen the new adventures appearing in this book.

Because we aren't locking/charging until the middle of November, these won't ship until right before the holiday rush begins. However, the plan is to make sure that they are 100% ready to go out the door once it charges. 

The book is larger than the original Complete Gamebook, in the letter-sized format (traditional RPG size) versus the 7.44 x 9.69 size of the original. I've tightened it up a bit, too, making certain things easier to reference and fixing some errors from the original book.

Anyway, that's the update for today! I look forward to getting these out.

By the way, if you live in the Oklahoma/Norman area or you're going to BGG.Con in Dallas or PaxUnplugged in Philadelphia, I can get you your copy of the Quickstart rules without charging shipping. Just let us know at [email protected] ahead of time, and we'll get you onto our list.


 - Dave

Backerkit Surveys are sent!
12 months ago – Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 05:15:03 PM

Hey everyone!

I'm just letting you know that the Backerkit surveys have been sent. 

The lock date will be November 14th, and the charge date will be November 15th.


  • If you are a US backer who is just getting one or two books, we will adjust your shipping rate before you're charged. 
  • If you are a US backer who's getting physical products more than books, your rate is what it will be.
  • If you are a non-US backer who's getting physical products, your rate is what it will be.

If you have trouble getting onto Backerkit, chances are you signed up online using your iPhone. If this is the case, we'll have to manually change your email address in the system. This happens often.

If there are any other issues, be sure that you contact us either through the message system here or via [email protected]

If you leave a comment or response, we won't be able to respond as fast. So please use the email systems so we can help you out ASAP.

Let us know if you have any additional questions.

And thanks again!

 - Dave

Finally got our issue fixed. US backers that expect to only purchase books, read this!
12 months ago – Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 11:20:00 AM

Hey all!

Brandon from Backerkit and I finally figured out a solution to getting US backers sorted. We were having trouble getting media rates versus non-media rates. 

  • For US backers who are ordering books only, the rate will seem to be a little high when you check out (around $20 or so). Before we charge cards on November 15th, we'll put in a discount to ensure that the rate is adjusted (approximately $10 or so off the price... varies based on what you actually order).
  • For US backers who are ordering stuff other than books (dice, minis, etc.) your rate will be exactly what is listed when you check out using BackerKit. It won't change unless there's a mistake, etc.
  • For non-US backers, your rates will be the amount listed, too.

You'll get a survey question, too, that basically says this exact same thing to remind you. If you have any further questions, feel free to comment here or ask us at [email protected]

Next up, we're going to reset the smokescreen and test it again to ensure that everything is coming out the way that it should. Once that's good to go, we'll release the survey for everyone else.

Thanks all for your patience!

 - Dave