
Badge Quest Campaign Book

Created by David Hamrick

Welcome to the Badge Quest Campaign Book pre-order store. Here, you can purchase the Badge Quest Campaign Book and all of its accessories. If you already purchased the book via Kickstarter, you can use this store to add shipping and taxes to your order to prepare it for delivery.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick Start Guide update
8 months ago – Mon, Jan 08, 2024 at 01:12:04 PM

Hey everyone!

Happy New Year! Quick update on the Quick Start Guide. I am almost done with the writing, and we are only waiting on a few more art pieces. We are probably still a week away, but we will post the digital files on Backerkit once they are ready. Next up will be the scenario books, starting with 1527 Lulu Lane. 

We will have pictures of the minis from Hit Point Press soon!

Just a reminder, that 71 of you still have not answered our survey or have payment pending. We cannot ship any rewards if either of these is true, so check your inboxes and spam folders for an email from Backerkit about this project. If you are unsure or cannot find your survey, let us know at [email protected]

-Dave and Team DMDave

Complete Gamebook (Original) PDF Available on Backerkit for Download
9 months ago – Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 11:01:49 AM

Hey all!

I went ahead and dropped you all the original Complete Gamebook for Badge Quest while I'm working on the revised Quickstart rules, which you should hopefully get next week. Just thought it'd be nice to deliver an early Christmas present. Enjoy!

If you have any issue accessing your rewards, just hit us up at [email protected]


 - Dave

9 months ago – Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 10:08:41 AM

Hey all!

I've written 50% of the new content for the quickstart book and I'm reorganizing it quite a bit. Right away, I saw that I'm going to need a new big piece of artwork for it, so I've tapped our buddy Rick to make new art for the Cretaceous Crisis mystery (the one with dinosaurs and time travelers). Being that we're about to rush headfirst into the holidays, I expect this won't be around until next week. 

Either way, just wanted to keep you all in the loop.

Oh! And I nearly forgot. Hit Point Press has finished the minis already, and they're headed into production along with the badges and a few other items.

I should have pics soon!

 - Dave

Thanks everyone for suggestions!
9 months ago – Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 12:21:45 PM

Thanks to everyone who came up with ideas for quests using the art we've got. These should come out soon with the rest of the book. I'm reorganizing things a bit so these new quests fit along with a bunch of new badge ideas, making it a little easier to reference.

The new quests will be:

Buddy the Birthday Clown—Buddy's the most popular clown in town. However, it seems like everywhere he goes, kids come down with a sickness that makes them unable to laugh. Is he the one responsible? Or is there something more sinister at work?

The Competition—There's a new competitor in town selling cookies that rival the Blossoms'. Turns out that it's an evil hag who wants to cook the kids!

The Flamingo/Gnome War—A war breaks out between lawn ornaments, disrupting cookie sales. The girls need to negotiate a truce if they hope to have a successful selling season!

Muck!—While on a camping trip, the girls run across something awful: a creature composed of slime! What is this thing? What does it want? And will the girls be able to stop it?

Quest Ideas Needed!
9 months ago – Mon, Dec 11, 2023 at 07:04:13 AM

Hey friends!

Since the quickstart rulebook is being released a little further down the pipeline (at least the physical version, as the PDF is mostly done), I thought I'd go ahead and commission some new art from our friend, Rick Hershey. 

If you haven't already heard the story, Rick actually injured his hand last February while working on the original Badge Quest. As such, we had to use stock art. I've since replaced a lot of the stock art. Furthermore, I decided to remove the four quests from the original book that have since been expanded into full length mysteries.

Thus, we need four new mysteries to go into the book. That's where you come in.

Using the new art below, give us some ideas of what sort of mysteries these pieces of art should lead to. These will likely be the "villains" or at least the most important NPC of each story.

I look forward to your answers!