
Badge Quest Campaign Book

Created by David Hamrick

Welcome to the Badge Quest Campaign Book pre-order store. Here, you can purchase the Badge Quest Campaign Book and all of its accessories. If you already purchased the book via Kickstarter, you can use this store to add shipping and taxes to your order to prepare it for delivery.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We're in the final hour! Thank you all again!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 06:11:08 AM

Hey folks!

We're in the final hour of the Kickstarter. Again, thank you all who've backed so far! And for those of you who haven't backed yet, there's still plenty of time to jump on board and back (especially if you want that cookie badge!)

Once the Kickstarter ends, I'll post the tentative schedule for when things will arrive and a general idea of what to expect from production/shipping/etc.

Thanks all!

 - Dave

Less than 24 left! Thanks everyone who's backed!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 04:48:24 PM

Hey everyone!

Badge Quest is wrapping up, and it's been a big success! Thanks to everyone who's made this possible. If you haven't backed yet, make sure to jump on board now to get Kickstarter-exclusive rewards.

Once it's done, I'll post details on what happens next.

Talk to you all soon!

 - Dave

Over 1,100 backers with 36 hours to go!
about 1 year ago – Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 04:50:11 PM

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to tell you all thanks a ton for supporting this campaign! As we're winding down to the finish of this campaign, I'm super pumped on all of you and the support you've given to this fun little project.

I'll probably put in the last couple of stretch goals over the next couple days, and then, once everything is done, I'll let you all know what the end of the campaign will look like and the next steps.

Again, thank you so much, and thanks for making this project happen!

 - Dave

New Add-ons, new stretch goal, and only four days left 'til it's all done!
about 1 year ago – Sun, Aug 20, 2023 at 03:52:01 PM

Hey everyone!

Wow! We crossed $100,000, and we kept on zooming. Next up... $115,000!

Book per month?

I've added our next stretch goal, another "Goosebumps"-sized scenario book to follow the Quickstart rules. Moving forward, the content stretch goals will be released shortly after the Quickstart Book, allowing you to jump in and start playing right away. Keep in mind that these will ship solo, so they will have marginally high prices since we can't bundle, etc. Fortunately, we can use media mail for you US folks so that it won't be too crazy. 

 Plus, if we hit enough stretch goals, I hope to do one per month until the large book and "stuff we gotta do overseas" hit you (the large book and all the accessories). So think of this new book—plus, retroactively 1527 Lulu Lane—as a "Badge Quest Content Subscription." If we get enough of the smaller books, too, I'll likely open up a "Quickstart Subscription" package that'll let you get them all at a discount and potentially even add a "Super Duper All-In" tier that will include it all. This will become the Kickstarter that keeps on giving! 

Add-ons added-on!

I've also added the sticker badges and paper minis as add-ons. The sticker badges will be $15 for the physical pack and $6 for the VTT version, and the paper mini pack will be $30 for the physical and $15 for the print-and-play and VTT versions. All backers will receive the digital versions, FYI, at no charge.

The only stretch goal add-on not added yet is the Quickstart Rulebook since some of you will get a free (plus shipping) copy once the campaign is done. Offering the discount through Backerkit will be easier since we can do that before your CC gets charged.

From here on forward, it will be mostly content, so keep watching for more stretch goals.

 - Dave

$100,000 hit! New stretch goals unlocked! Add-ons coming soon!
about 1 year ago – Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 11:17:58 AM

Great news, folks, as we've officially hit $100,000. That now provides the original Complete Gamebook—rebranded to Quickstart Rules—as an add-on for you all. Since many of you will get a free copy with shipping, I won't add this until we go to the Pledge Manager after the campaign ends. That way we can manually add the discounts. Just make sure you've got your copy of your receipt for the book ready to go.

I'll be announcing some new stretch goals—likely all content—between now and the campaign ends. So look out for those. I hope to add some more "instantly available" add-ons that will appear earlier than the main book. These will be smaller books that I can print in the US and ship directly to you without having to go through the whole overseas rigamarole.

Thanks again, everyone, for making this a successful campaign so far. Talk to you soon!

 - Dave