
Badge Quest Campaign Book

Created by David Hamrick

Welcome to the Badge Quest Campaign Book pre-order store. Here, you can purchase the Badge Quest Campaign Book and all of its accessories. If you already purchased the book via Kickstarter, you can use this store to add shipping and taxes to your order to prepare it for delivery.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Backerkit Saga is *hopefully* wrapping up today...
12 months ago – Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 07:08:29 AM

Hey folks!

Just a quick update. We finally got a second shipping profile for books versus non-books to ensure that the US folks weren't paying too much just to have one or two books shipped (ie, they'll go via media mail versus flatrate). I submitted the final changes today. Now, I'm just waiting for the greenlight from backerkit. 

I believe that if you already submitted funds via Backerkit, it'll automatically edit it for you and credit back anything that go overspent.

So long as Brandon from BK gives us the go-ahead, I'll send out a new smoke test today and hopefully have the full survey out by Friday.

Thanks for being patient! Our goal is to make sure you all don't get overcharged for this stuff. 

 - Dave

Just waiting to hear back from Backerkit re: high shipping prices
12 months ago – Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 09:04:58 AM

Hey folks!

In case you didn't see my last message, we're currently working on fixing an issue with the shipping prices. It's charging waaaay too much for shipping to those who did the smoke test. I sent a message on Saturday but probably won't hear anything back until later today. Hopefully, we can get it fixed and start sending surveys to everyone.

I'll post more updates as I get them!


 - Dave

Shipping Charges Issue
12 months ago – Sat, Sep 23, 2023 at 08:52:49 AM

Hey friends!

Just letting you all know that the smoke test is going well, and it helped us find a few issues. Basically, it's attaching a flat shipping fee to every add-on instead of doing it by combined weight/shipping. I messaged our rep, but I probably won't hear anything until Monday.

As much as I'd love to get $100 to ship only 3 lb worth of product, I'm sure some of you all wouldn't appreciate that haha

I'll post an update as soon as I know more!

 - Dave

Smoketest is live!
12 months ago – Fri, Sep 22, 2023 at 02:37:03 PM

Hey folks!

Good news, the smoke test is live. Roughly 10% of you will receive surveys to complete your purchases and details. This will help us work out the kinks. Once the smoke test is done (approximately Monday), I'll send the rest of the surveys.

Thank again, everyone!

 - Dave

Quick Update before the weekend re: Backerkit
12 months ago – Fri, Sep 22, 2023 at 07:20:47 AM

Hey folks!

Just letting you know that Backerkit has been in a review for a couple days. The process has been very detailed as our Backerkit rep, Brandon, is making sure that everything works like it's supposed to. There's a lot of SKUs in play, so we want to make sure that everyone gets what was promised to them.

Hopefully we'll have it done and ready for the smoke test on Monday. Once BK goes live, we can start working on the quickstarter products.

I'll keep you posted!
